In 2003, Charlie entered the lives of the Humphreys family. Life was never to be the same again. Through Charlie, Laura learned about the ‘proper’ care of guinea pigs, looking after the modern way with what we know how – diet, housing, bedding, rescues. And medical care.
The predominant theme throughout this book is Charlie’s medical adventures, and he really did take Laura and Tracey on quite the rollercoaster. Infections, lost nails, nails he attacked himself, an abscess and finally a kidney tumour.
Originally created in 2008, shortly after his death, Charlie’s Memoirs brings together his life experiences to show others the incredible resilience and human-like nature of guinea pigs, when given the chance to express themselves freely, and how even with multiple medical issues to deal with, you should never give up on them because they are “just” guinea pigs. Charlie’s Memoirs proves that every guinea pig should be given a chance.
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